God Of Week 8 – Discussion Guide

Click here for the God of Jacob – Wrestling With God Discussion Guide

God Of Week 7 – Discussion Guide

Click here for the God Of Jacob: Dreaming With God Discussion Guide.

God Of Week 5 – Discussion Guide

Click here for the God Of Isaac: Coming Through for Others Discussion Guide.

God of Week 4 – Discussion Guide

Click here for the God of Isaac Discussion Guide

God Of Week 3 – Discussion Guide

Click here for the God Of… Abraham Covenant Promises Discussion Guide. Happy Father’s Day!

God of Abraham Week 2 – Discussion Guide

Click here for the God of Abraham: Beware of Blindspots Discussion Guide

God of Abraham Week 1 – Discussion Guide

Click here for the God of Abraham: Transforming Faith Discussion Guide

Soundtracks Week 3 – Discussion Guide

Click here for the Soundtracks: Turn to Prayer Discussion Guide.

Soundtracks Week 2 – Discussion Guide

Click here for the Soundtracks: Tune Out Anxiety Discussion Guide

Mother’s Day Discussion Guide

Happy Mother’s Day! Click here for the Spirit-filled Motherhood Discussion Guide.