House to House Week 2 – Discussion Guide


Main Idea:   Does the reality of Hell motivate us to share God’s story and our story?

Introduction:  Pastor Chris reminds us that although Hell may not create fear in us, it can motivate us to share God’s story with nonbelievers.

Discussion Starter: What prevents you from sharing God’s story and your story?


Primary Scriptures:  Luke 16:19-31, John 3:3, Matthew 9:37-38, Romans 1:18-23

Discussion Questions:

  1. In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus tells a very clear story of Hell and we also know that scripture (John 3:3) tells us that no one can see the Kingdom unless without being born again.
    Have you been born again? How have you seen the Kingdom of God?
  2. Have you asked God how you are are to fulfill His command to tell others of Him?
  3. Where do you feel that God is giving you an opportunity to share your story and His story?
  4. Who in your life is far from God? Read Matthew 9:37-38. Ask God to send workers into His harvest. Ask God if you are that worker and where you can harvest.


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

Read 2 Corinthians 5:20. We are ambassadors for Christ. Pray that God will give you your assignment as His ambassador. Pray for strength to do the work He has given you to do. Share with one another and then spend time in prayer together.