Tag Archive for: Discussion Questions

Deadly Doors Week 3 – Discussion Guide


Main Idea: When was the last time you checked the locks and doors to the gateway of greed in your life?

Introduction: When we think of greed the first thing that typically comes to mind is money. However, that is not what the enemy is after. Greed wants more than our wallets. Greed wants our wants.

Discussion Starter: In Luke 12:15, Jesus said, “[…] life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” Pastor Zac tells us that nothing in our lives closes the door and locks out greed faster than generosity, but we have to be willing to let go and allow the door to close. What do you need to let go of? Comparison, identity in your work, your own comfort, or something else?


Primary Scriptures: Luke 12:15, Matthew 6:24, Proverbs 15:27, Proverbs 28:25, James 5:1-3

Discussion Questions:

  1. Greed prompts us to ask others, “What will you give me?” Pastor Zac reminded us that the fastest way to lock the greed in our lives is to be generous with our time, treasures, and tithe. Discuss someone who has been generous with you and what they did?
  2. Read Philippians 4:19. What will you give to God and others?
  3. What will you give from your talents and gifting?
  4. What will you give God back from what He’s already given you?


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

In Proverbs 15:27 we read, “The greedy bring ruin to their households […]” We were reminded in the message that greed can ruin our household because it invites more destructive things inside. Greed gives the enemy a foothold into our lives and homes. What area of your life do you need prayer where greed affects you? Your time? Your treasures? Your tithe? Share with one another and then spend time in prayer together.

Deadly Doors Week 1 – Discussion Guide


Main Idea: In our spiritual lives, we control the latches to the doors that either allow Jesus in or the enemy.

Introduction: This week Pastor Zac started us on a new series about the doors we leave open and unprotected in our spiritual lives, specifically anger and unforgiveness.

Discussion Starter: What’s the most physically secure place you’ve ever been (i.e. a bank vault, military base, etc.)?


Primary Scriptures: Matthew 16:19, Revelation 3:15-18, John 10:10, Ephesians 4:26-27, Matthew 6:9-15

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are there areas in your spiritual life where you have left the doors open or unguarded with the shows and movies you watch, books you read, the music you listen to, people in your life, etc.? If so, how can this group hold you accountable for closing them?
  2. Read Ephesians 4:26-27. How easily or quickly to become angry? Do you allow your frustration to boil up to anger? Next time that begins, remember that this is a key door where the enemy can get a foothold.
  3. It’s easy to become cynical and unforgiving when we forget all the things for which God has, is, and will forgive us. Discuss what it means to you that you have been forgiven by God and how you should forgive others.
  4. Read Matthew 6:9-12 What part of this prayer stands out to you the most? What part is the most convicting and most encouraging?


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

One of the doors Pastor Zac talked about was the door of unforgiveness. One of the reasons we can be unable to receive forgiveness is if we will not forgive others (Matthew 6:14-15). Is there someone in your life that you have been unable to forgive? Discuss how your group can help you forgive that person. Also, take time to meditate on how God has forgiven you.

Transformation Week 4 – Discussion Guide


Main Idea: Are you already settling for less this year? 

Introduction: We learned that the world constantly tries to press us into its mold. How can we see what that mold produces and then learn to break it?

Discussion Starter: Have you ever settled or taken the easy way out on something? Have you lowered your expectations so that you wouldn’t get disappointed? Why do we settle for less hope, joy, purpose, and blessings?


Primary Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, Romans 12:1-2, Philippians 4:8, Romans 7:21-23, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Isaiah 40:31, Hebrews 4:12-13

Discussion Questions:

  1. When we settle for less, we basically say that we’re ok with just ok. We believe the lie that God can’t transform us into anything better than what we are now. Read Romans 12:1-2. “Conformed by the world” is passive and requires nothing from us. It is the influence of the world and the lies of the enemy. “Transformation” is what God does to mold us into His image. Do you trust the world or God? Discuss some ways you have seen His work of transformation; if not in your life, someone else’s life, or even a story you have seen on social media.
  2. Philippians 4:8 gives us some adjectives that can help us transform or renew our minds. How can we focus on what Paul tells us and not what the world says?
  3. Read Isaiah 40:31. Transformation has an element of waiting or hoping in God. But there is also an active piece; creating a Personal Growth Plan, having a word and verse of the year, being a part of a Bible reading plan, and joining a group. Do you have all of these for 2022? If not, begin to plan your spiritual growth with your group and loved ones and commit to holding each other accountable.
  4. Hebrews 4:12-13 may sound scary since God can see everything about us. There is nothing we can hide from Him. In truth, this should be encouraging. We don’t have to put any effort into hiding anything because God already knows everything in our hearts. He knows us, and He sees us. He also made us in His image, and He loves us. What are you trying to hide? What have you settled for in your life that God wants you to surrender to Him?


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

Read Romans 7:14-25. It is true that our flesh is at war with the Spirit. But we are set free from the body, death, and sin through Jesus Christ. Romans 7:22 specifically says, “For I joyfully agree with the law of God in the inner person,” but we have a part of us that is a prisoner of our sin. How can we carry what we have learned in the Transformation series into our next series on spiritual warfare series, Deadly Door, to continue the transformation process? Meditate on Pastor Chris’ message that transformation is a process in which God does the action.

Transformation Week 1 – Discussion Guide


Main Idea:  The world has the ability to press us into a mold, but God’s process transforms us into His image.

Introduction: Pastor Chris reminds us that any kind of pressure forces us into a mold, but that we have the opportunity to choose which image we will become.

Discussion Starter: There are a million different ways the world presses on us each day. We may experience pressure from those we work with, our social media feeds; or the pressure to bow to the idol of sports, politics, and popularity. Where are you feeling pressure from the world?


Primary Scriptures: Romans 12: 1-2, Isaiah 40:31, 2 Corinthians 3:18

Discussion Questions:

  1. At the beginning of this week’s message, Pastor Chris asked us this question, “As you reflect on the last year, what do you see?” Take a few minutes and answer that question together.
  2. Read Romans 12:1-2 together. In scripture, we are reminded to not be conformed to the ways of this world, but instead, we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Pastor Chris talked about all of the ways that the world can apply pressure. Are there areas in your life where you are feeling the pressure of the world? What steps can you take to soar and begin to reflect the image of God instead of the mold the world would like for us to follow?
  3. Isaiah 40:31 tells us, “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” The Lord has the power to transform every area of our life if we will allow Him. Discuss with one another what area you would like for Him to transform in your life.


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

Read 2 Corinthians 3:18. Our theme verse for the year tells us that we are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory. Pastor Chris tells us that we can be transformed if we simply place our faith and life in the hands of our Creator. When you look ahead into 2022, do you see yourself being transformed? In what ways? Remember, we grow together and are designed to do life in community. What support do you think you will need in order to walk this out? Share with one another and then spend time praying together.

Christmas Unwrapped Week 2 – Discussion Guide


Main Idea: Christmas is about Jesus’ birth and death, and it was for you.

Introduction: The gift of myrrh represented what Jesus would experience, it was crushed and cut, used for burial.

Discussion Starter: Whether the wise men knew it or not, the gift of myrrh was foreshadowing. How far in advance have you bought a gift for someone?


Primary Scriptures: Isaiah 53:1-6, Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8, John 3:16

Discussion Questions:

  1. Take a few moments in silent reflection. Meditate on the reality that Christmas is for you. Not the presents, the lights, or the peppermint mochas, but that Jesus was born and died for your sins. Discuss what that means to you.
  2. Read Romans 3:23 No one is left out of this verse, the ground at the foot of the cross is level. How does this resonate with you?
  3. Why is it important that Jesus died for us while we were still sinners? Do you ever feel like you have to “work for it?” If so, how are you encouraged that you can’t do that?
  4. Who in your life doesn’t really know what Christmas is about? How will you tell them this year? Or get them to a place where they can hear it?


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

John 3:16 famously says that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to die for us. The Gospel of John goes on, read John 3:17-18. Discuss how these verses shine more light on why the gift of Jesus’ sacrifice was offered.

Discuss how you can pray for each other to not live in condemnation and how you can pray for and serve those who do not believe.

Christmas Unwrapped Week 1 – Discussion Guide


Main Idea: Purified gold was a gift fit for the baby King Jesus. Because of Jesus’ gift for us, we are purified through His sacrifice and are a presentable offering to God.

Introduction: This week, Pastor Chris walked us through one of the 3 gifts presented to Jesus at the first Christmas, gold. This gift had been prophesied for hundreds of years and was purified through fire.

Discussion Starter: What’s one of the most thoughtful gifts you’ve ever given?


Primary Scriptures: Matthew 2:7-12, 1 Kings 10:1-2, Isaiah 60:6, Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 1:23

Discussion Questions:

  1. This weekend Pastor Chris said that the gold that was presented to Jesus had been purified and refined through fire. How has God refined you over time?
  2. Read Romans 12:1 What are ways you offer yourself to live completely for God? What areas of your life are you holding back?
  3. For hundreds of years, God’s people waited for Jesus to be born. Although we don’t have to wait for salvation like they did, we still want and need God to do things in our lives. Discuss what you are hoping and waiting for God to do in your life.


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

This weekend, Pastor Chris encouraged us to “give more and don’t keep score.” Discuss how you can encourage each other during this season to avoid the trap of our culture to think of Christmas as a time of giving and getting “stuff” and how we can give of ourselves.

Discuss one thing your group can pray for you during this season.

Thanksgiving – Hope is a Habit


Main Idea: What would your life look like if hope was a reflex and not just a response?

Introduction: This weekend Hallerin Hilton Hill reminded Promisors that hope is a habit and like most habits is a discipline that requires practice.

Discussion Starter: What’s the difference between a reflex and a response? What is something that causes a strong reaction from you? What is something that causes a strong reflex in you?


Primary Scriptures: Colossians 1:24-27; Ephesians 3:14-20

Discussion Questions:

  1. Read Colossians 1:24-27. What is the “mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations?” What is God’s plan to reveal this mystery to everyone (and not just His people)?
  2. Read Ephesians 3:14-20. How can followers of Christ get the strength to build up the reflex of hope? And what will result from exercising the discipline of Hope?
  3. Hallerin Hilton Hill shared four  ways to practice the habit of H.O.P.E. (seek Healing, find Opportunities in the obstacles, make Progress, and give Encouragement). Which of these four practices is a struggle for you? And which practice will you begin this week?
  4. Practice part of the discipline of Hope as a group — take turns Encouraging one another together. Commit to text or talk with each other through the week and continue practicing the encouraging habit of Hope.


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

Take some time to pray over each other in smaller groups and commit to follow-up and connect with each other during a non-group time of serving, sharing a meal, or worshipping and praying together (maybe meet at your campus for First Saturday Prayer Service next Saturday at 9am).

H4H Week 2– Discussion Guide


Main Idea:  Freewill Offerings Follow Big Visions

Introduction: As we enter the holiday season, every year we kick it off with our Heart for the Harvest. This year as we reflect on what has been generously provided in the past and look toward our future visions, we look to the examples set by the Israelites and the early church.

Discussion Starter: Have you ever had a big vision or dream in your life? How about one that you are certain God put in your heart? We have seen Biblical prophets and modern-day pastors cast big visions for their churches that were placed in their hearts/minds by God. Can you think of some examples of these visions?


Primary Scriptures: Exodus: 35-36, 2 Corinthians 8: 1-15

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever read the story of how the Israelites came together to build the tabernacle? We see early in Exodus 35 that God commanded anyone who was willing to bring offerings or to help work. What does this tell us about God?

  2. In Exodus 35: 21-29, what do we learn from their attitudes toward the big vision cast by God through Moses?

  3. Exodus 36:3-7 shows what about their response?

  4. 2 Corinthians 8 also gives examples of how the early church responded to the big vision of sharing Jesus’ message. What do we learn from these followers of Christ?

  5. If we reflect on these two groups, what can we learn about the type of giver God desires?


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section. 

Pray together that God speaks to each of your hearts what He desires for you and your family to give so that if/when you give to the Heart for the Harvest offering this year, it will be from a place of abundance and generosity. Also, pray for those who may be struggling with the idea of generosity, those who may be out of work, and those have other difficult financial situations.

How will your group pray for Godly intervention this week? Recognize that some are still regaining ground from COVID and other life situations where they need prayer and just the hand of God touching their lives.

LIFE + H4H – Discussion Guide


Main Idea: Miracles glorify God, demonstrate the compassion of God, and draw people closer to Jesus.

Introduction: This weekend we kicked off our Heart for the Harvest (H4H) season and began our 21 days of prayer. We are believing for miracles, provision, restoration, reconciliation, healing, and freedom. We spent time in prayer at every campus asking for God’s favor.

Discussion Starter: Take a few moments and reflect on a time when you experienced the favor of God in your life. Was it a moment of restoration, healing, or a miracle? Share about this experience with one another.


Primary Scriptures: Mark 2:12, Mark 1:40-42, Luke 7:22

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do miracles glorify God? What evidence do you have of this in your own life?
  2. Read Mark 1:40-42. In Scripture, the leper cries out to Jesus and asks Him if He is willing to cleanse him, to make him clean. Jesus shows His compassion by replying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” The Lord has compassion for us and is willing to meet our needs beyond what we can imagine. What miracle do you need to take to Him in prayer?
  3. Read Luke 7:22. Pastor Chris told us that miracles draw people closer to Jesus. What miracles have you experienced in your life that you can share with others? How can we include the miracles the Lord has performed in our lives as we tell others of Him in hopes to draw them closer to Him?


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section. 

Read Mark 1:40-42. We are designed for community. We are not meant to do this life alone. The Lord is ready and willing to shower us with His favor and provide miracles in our lives. Spend time sharing with one another what you need in your life. Do you need healing? Do you need financial provision? Do you need restoration within a relationship? Once you have shared, spend time praying for one another.

LIFE + Week 1 – Discussion Guide


Main Idea: The world promises a + and never delivers, but Jesus promises and delivers on Life +.

Introduction: This week Pastor Chris talked about God’s favor as a force of Heaven in our lives, although some of us may look at our circumstances and are unable to see God at work in our lives and the world. However, if we can center our focus and faith on Jesus, we will see and experience the abundant life only Jesus can bring.

Discussion Starter: What is the last thing you put a lot of focus on, took a deep dive in, or obsessed about that you couldn’t wait to talk to people about? Gardening, camping, a video game, a sports team, a hobby, a new podcast, or  a book series?


Primary Scriptures:

John 10:10, Psalm 90:17, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Luke 4:18-19, 2 Corinthians 5:7, James 2:14-20

Discussion Questions:

  1. Read John 10:10 The thief (aka the Enemy) seeks only to steal, kill, and destroy. That can come in many forms: stealing your joy, killing your hope, destroying your focus, and many others. How do you recognize the work of the Enemy in your life and around you? Discuss ways you can combat the Enemy, return your focus, and increase your faith through the Life + available through Jesus.
  2. Favor is a force of Heaven at work in our lives. Discuss what is going right in your life and how God has given you His favor.
  3. This week Pastor Chris challenged us to focus on God, His Word, and the activity of the Holy Spirit around us by asking, “What does God want me to see?” What have you seen in the Bible or in your life that you know God wanted you to see? If you aren’t sure of anything, commit this week to read His Word and praying that He would open your eyes. Don’t be shy about asking God questions. Seek His answers in His Word and through prayer and meditation.
  4. Read James 2:14-20 This week Pastor Chris said that a problem with seeing God’s favor is our faith. What’s one thing you can do this week to express your faith through doing something?


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section. 

What is one way you can encourage each other this week to keep your focus on God’s Kingdom and His favor?

Commit to praying for each other’s faith to increase this week. How will you let each other know you’re praying this week? Call, text, email, DM?

Commit to praying for each other’s faith and service to others to increase this week.