Family Games Week 7 – Discussion Guide


Main Idea:  Our God is not a god of “Guess who?” but the God of truth.

Introduction: The enemy is known for his repeated methods of attack. He’s known for repeated attacks against the identity of mankind. Take a moment and consider some ways that he attacks us with this particular poison. Consider your values and beliefs. We are taught many things in our lives, most of which are worldly traditions and trains of thought. Recall where you learned these values and beliefs, but even more, take a moment to discern whether or not they line up with who God says we are and what God says we should value. As responsible Christians, let’s take a look at which gifts, places, and people we’ve prioritized.

Discussion StarterTake a moment and think of all the blessings God has granted us. What great gifts our Father gives us. Take some time to count your blessings as a group!


Primary Scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 John 4:7-10, Luke 12:13-15

Discussion Questions:

  1. In this life, truth is everything. Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. With that in mind, consider just how well you know the truth. 1 John 4:7-8 tells us, “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” Considering that God is truth and love, discuss how well we exemplify those attributes of our Father. How should this truth affect our values, beliefs, and day to day life?
  2. Read Luke 12:13-15. In Jewish culture at that time, it was natural for the firstborn to get a double inheritance and for the remaining children to get what was left. Jesus’s short response was to beware of all forms of greed, and that even a rich man’s life does not consist of his possessions. Greed is selfish, and God, who is love, is not greedy. Being honest with one another, discuss which we pay more attention to… the constant pursuit of more for ourselves, or seeing with eyes that notice what the person next door needs?
  3. Read 1 John 4:9-10. Imagine a rich man just bought a fully loaded Lamborghini for a very steep price. He purchases it because it has something to offer him. Luxury. Speed. Class. Status. He sees great value in it. In a similar way, God sees you with value. He agreed to the steep price of His Son’s death to pay for your sin. The reality of God loving us so greatly leads us to love Him. His word says that if we love Him, we’ll obey Him. This is not to simply say, we must obey. This is stating that our love produces the byproduct of obedience. Discuss among your group just how deeply you understand both the price paid for you, and the immense value that God sees in you and in others.


Suggestion:  Break into small groups of 2 or 3 for this section.

Read 1 John 19-21. Take some time to pray silently and confess if there is any hatred in your heart for other human beings God has created. Then pray for one another, that you would seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness. Pray that you might live out 1 John 4:7 and how you love others—especially those who don’t know Christ—would draw them to relationship with Jesus.