Finding Favor Week 4 – Discussion Guide

Getting Started

Main Idea: God’s Hand is outstretched and ready to touch you, right where you are.

Introduction: Through God’s hand, His favor is a force already at work. He’s ready to touch, heal, restore, and bring favor to every footstep in your walk, your family, and your ministry.

Discussion Starter: What is the number one distraction in your life?

Encounter God

Primary Scriptures: Psalm 90:17, Psalm 138:7-8, 1 Peter 2:9-10 & 11-12, Matthew 28:19-20

Discussion Questions

    1. There are 2 primary reasons we don’t take God’s outstretched hand: our hands are either, doing something that has taken God’s place, or they are in our pockets doing nothing. Which do you lean more heavily toward, busy/distracted or complacent? If you’re busy and distracted, what’s one thing you can stop doing in order to take God’s hand? If your hands are in your pockets and complacent, pray and seek God’s hand for where He should guide you.
    2. Pastor Chris showed us 3 ways that Christ-followers can reach out and take God’s hand: held up in surrender,  together in prayer, and extended out in service. What does it look like to surrender? How regular is your prayer life? When was the last time you served others? Search God’s Word for these 3 areas to align yourself with His calling for you.
    3. Read Psalm 138:7-8. Discuss God’s role and activity in this scripture. How can this scripture comfort you?

Discovery Bible Method:
For deeper study, as an alternative to the questions above, read 1 Peter 2:9 and use the Discovery Bible Method to explore the passage.

Embrace Others

Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

Discuss the 3 ways that Pastor Chris said Christ-followers can reach out and take God’s hand: held up in surrender, together in prayer, and extended out in service. Then choose one to focus on this week as a group and communicate with each other about what God does as a result.

Engage the World Around Us

Engaging at Faith Promise: This weekend, Pastor Chris challenged us with the thought that, if we feel like God’s calling on our lives feels just out of reach, “have you stopped serving others?” If this is you, what is one thing you can do this week to serve someone?

Engaging in Community and the World: The hands or Christ-followers should be surrendered, prayerful, and serving. How can you and your group pursue God and meet our community and world in these 3 ways?

Expand God’s Kingdom

Read 1 Corinthians 11:1 If you are seeking to disciple others, are your hands occupied with something that should not be imitated? If so, take your hands out of your pockets or from doing what they should not and reach out to take God’s hand. As scary as it may be to tell someone, “Do what I do as I do what Christ did,” it is our calling.

Leader’s Notes

ALL groups at Faith Promise should follow Jesus Christ and lead others to do the same. Below are the marks of a growing follower and disciple of Jesus.

– A follower of Jesus desires to encounter God through the deeper study and application of God’s Word.

– A follower of Jesus embraces people and values relationships on a deeper level so everyone can grow together.

– A follower of Jesus engages and serves the world around them and in their community, through local partners or God-directed opportunities.

– A follower of Jesus expands God’s Kingdom through development and multiplication of disciple-makers, possibly to lead more groups at Faith Promise.

Finding Favor Week 3 – Discussion Guide

Getting Started

Main Idea:  Finding God’s favor is truly important, but there is no favor without faith—and that means we have to trust God even when things are not pleasant.

Introduction:  Bad things happen in the world all the time. Some people are more affected than others, but we are all affected. This Sunday, Pastor Zac talked about God’s favor, and how it’s kind of like an umbrella on a rainy day—the rain is all around us, but whether or not to open the umbrella is a choice. We need to remember that having God’s favor does not always mean that everything is pleasant all the time, or that we never experience pain or loss. But, it does mean that the important things in life are taken care of.

Discussion Starter:  What is a good movie or TV show that you’ve enjoyed lately? What was the “big problem” that really got the story going?

Encounter God

Primary Scriptures:  Matthew 5:11-12, Daniel 3:8-27, Psalm 5

Discussion Questions

    1. We definitely want to have God’s favor. But having God’s favor doesn’t mean that this earthly life is going to be problem-free or pain-free. Jesus’ life and death demonstrates this perfectly. In Matthew 5:11, Jesus talks about a blessing that may not seem at all pleasant. In your group, consider these questions: How is it that someone could be blessed and have God’s favor, but at the same time experience such painful things? And why on earth would God’s favor involve being in pain like that?
    2. In Daniel 3:8-27, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego were fireproof. This wouldn’t have been very noteworthy if they had been at home eating junk food. Instead, they were publicly standing up against evil (literally — they refused to bow), at the risk of their own lives. They had no promise that God would save their lives. They just knew that it was wrong to bow to anything besides God. Probably there aren’t any people threatening to throw anyone in your group into a literal furnace, but what are the “fires” in your lives? What difficult things try to pressure you away from what you know is right?
    3. Continuing in Daniel 3, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego were immune to the fire—nobody could even smell smoke on them when they came out of the furnace. But, although they were immune to the fire, they were not immune to falling into the furnace. Discuss with your group how you think the three of them told this story to their friends after it happened. Do you think that they focused on how unpleasant that was or how God kept them safe during that time? ? And further, what do you focus on when you talk to others about the difficult parts of your life? Do you view it as an opportunity to talk about how good God is?
    4. God certainly showed favor to David, who trusted in Him. But David, the writer of Psalm 5, was no stranger to God’s correctional punishment. David often found himself in sin and in need of God’s discipline. However, David showed a pattern of repentance when confronted with his sin. He did not want to live in sin, despite finding himself in it frequently. Like Pastor Zac said, it’s not really possible for us to lead our friends and loved ones to a place that we ourselves are not. There is no room for God’s favor if we are valuing something or someone over God. So the question to talk about with your group is this: How have you spent your time this past week? How much time was there spent in prayer, or in Bible reading, or talking to others about Jesus? Also, how much time was spent watching Netflix, or sports?

Discovery Bible Method:
For deeper study, as an alternative to the questions above, read Psalm 5 and use the Discovery Bible Method to explore the passage.

Embrace Others

Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

Have each person in your group share something they have been truly thankful to God for this winter. It can be anything, but try to explain how it made you think that God is good.

Engage the World Around Us

Engaging at Faith Promise:  It’s difficult to engage with people right now because of pandemic precautions. Have your group figure out one way that you can check up on others at Faith Promise. There are many core members who have been unable to attend, and would probably love to hear from a fellow Promisor. Contact your Groups/Missions Pastor to see how your group can reach out to fellow Promisors.

Engaging in Community and the World:  Social media right now is in desperate need of the love of Christ. How can your group, on social media, be the “light of the world” that Jesus talked about in Matthew 5:14? How can your group be the love of God through social media outlets?

Expand God’s Kingdom

Jesus said in Luke 10:2 that there were plenty of people ready to be saved, but few laborers. Then…interestingly…He said that the next thing to do was pray: pray that God would send laborers into the harvest. We are the laborers sent into the harvest. Who burdens your heart that is far from God? Who needs to know Jesus? Make a list of those people and start praying for God to help you share the Gospel. Then pray for others to join you in the harvest field.

Leader’s Notes

Hints for group leaders:

A wise person once said, “You don’t have the opportunity to act like Jesus until someone mistreats you.” We often talk about wanting to imitate Jesus or be like God, but that requires that we endure a lot of unpleasant things at times. Matthew 5:12 says that our reward is great in heaven when we go through such awful things down here. And we also have the opportunity to have a shared experience with the Almighty God (loving people even when they do not love us)! Also, importantly, persecution reveals the truth of our faith (or lack thereof). In Matthew 13:21, Jesus talks about those who have a fake faith that doesn’t last. When bad things happen, it reveals what we truly are. And not only that, others can see, and this can lead others to faith in Christ.

ALL groups at Faith Promise should follow Jesus Christ and lead others to do the same. Below are the marks of a growing follower and disciple of Jesus.

– A follower of Jesus desires to encounter God through the deeper study and application of God’s Word.

– A follower of Jesus embraces people and values relationships on a deeper level so everyone can grow together.

– A follower of Jesus engages and serves the world around them and in their community, through local partners or God-directed opportunities.

– A follower of Jesus expands God’s Kingdom through development and multiplication of disciple-makers, possibly to lead more groups at Faith Promise.

Finding Favor Week 2 -Discussion Guide

Getting Started

Main Idea:  God’s favor belongs in the footprints of His followers.

Introduction: This is our second week of Finding Favor devotional, sermon series, and church-wide fast! If you don’t have a copy of the devotional, you can find links to the Kindle copy and the free YouVersion Bible app plan here:

Or, pick up a free paper copy at your local campus. We are all looking for favor, but are you looking for favor in your walk with God, every step of the way?

Discussion Starter: God’s favor is already at work for anyone and everyone who seeks Him. Discuss how you can seek God’s favor in different areas of your life.

Encounter God

Primary Scriptures:  1 Peter 3:15, Haggai 2:21-23, Philippians 2:1-8, Exodus 33:14

Discussion Questions

    1. When things are challenging, we can look to disconnect. Are you connected? In a group? Serving others? Serving in our community? Giving? Discipling someone? Staying connected can mean growing spiritually not simply in your own life, but also by helping others. Are your connections Godly? Discuss how to have Godly connections where you work, shop, study, and play.
    2. Pastor has been reminding us to dedicate our life to Christ—not just a piece of it, or most of it, but all of it. Last week, we checked our source. This week, Pastor challenges us to help others in our circle to check their source. This goes back to our Godly connections in question 1. Dedicating all of yourself to God means helping those around you and being burdened for those who are far from God. Is there a part of your life that are you still holding on to that may be preventing you from experiencing more of God’s favor?
    3. We often talk about “following in the footsteps of Jesus,” but what does that mean? When we think about Christ’s life and ministry, how did people treat Jesus, and how did Jesus treat them back? In Philippians 2:1-8, we see a clear explanation of how we are supposed to pay attention to those around us. According to this passage, with focus on verses 7-8, what was the key personality trait that Jesus exhibited? (If you need help with your discussion, consider this question: Can you imagine Jesus ever asking to talk to the manager at his local carpentry supply store?)
    4. God’s favor leaves the signature of God’s presence that stamps His glory into our walk. Read Exodus 33:14 and discuss how God answered Moses’ prayer. We are called to worship God even in tough circumstances when we may feel far from Him. How do you worship and glorify God in the tough times? How are you helping others in tough times?

Discovery Bible Method:
For deeper study, as an alternative to the questions above, read Haggai 2:21-23 and use the Discovery Bible Method to explore the passage.

Embrace Others

Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

We talked about having your word of the year, verse of the year, being on the Bible reading plan, and creating a personal growth plan. Share your word with your group, and commit to pray for one another about each of your words. Can you help someone else with their growth plan?

Engage the World Around Us

Engaging at Faith Promise:  New groups will be starting soon. Is God leading you to lead a group or start a Freedom group? Find out about becoming a group leader here.

Engaging in the Community:  At the end of each daily devotion, there are faith declarations. Are you just reading them to yourself or are you sharing them with others in your circle? Your family? Part of declaring things is to say them out loud to others that can hold you accountable.

Engaging in World:  God’s favor belongs in the footprints of His followers. We have Promisors all over the world, not only our missionaries. Walking with God is not a solo walk; it involves others. Pray for not just our missionaries, but all missionaries who may feel isolated or alone (many do). Over the next eight weeks, the Southern Baptist’s International Mission Board will train and commission new missionaries to be sent out to spread the Gospel. Join us in praying for those families as they embark on their journey.

Expand God’s Kingdom

We are only one week into Pastor’s Finding Favor devotional. Grab an extra copy and invite someone to read it with you. If they don’t live near you, invite them to join you with the devotional on the YouVersion Bible app.

Leader’s Notes

ALL groups at Faith Promise should follow Jesus Christ and lead others to do the same. Below are the marks of a growing follower and disciple of Jesus.

– A follower of Jesus desires to encounter God through the deeper study and application of God’s Word.

– A follower of Jesus embraces people and values relationships on a deeper level so everyone can grow together.

– A follower of Jesus engages and serves the world around them and in their community, through local partners or God-directed opportunities.

– A follower of Jesus expands God’s Kingdom through development and multiplication of disciple-makers, possibly to lead more groups at Faith Promise.

Finding Favor Week 1 – Discussion Guide

Getting Started

Main Idea:  God’s favor is a force already at work.

Introduction: This week we kick off 2021 by beginning our Finding Favor devotional, sermon series, and church wide fast! If you don’t have a copy of the devotional you find links to the kindle copy and the free YouVersion Bible app plan here: Or, pick up a free paper copy at your local campus.

Discussion Starter: When you hear about God’s favor, do you think you have it? Do you think someone else has it? Discuss.

Encounter God

Primary Scriptures:  Psalm 90:17 (2021 theme verse), Jeremiah 10:10-12, Zechariah 4:6, Matthew 12:36-37

Discussion Questions

    1. Pastor asked us to check our source. What is your source? Where do you find comfort and strength?
    2. Read Jeremiah 10:10-12 and Zechariah 4:6. How is God the source? What do these verses tell us about God’s power versus man’s power?
    3. Pastor also asked us to check our speech. Read Matthew 12:36-37. We all speak “idle words” and words we do not mean. Can you see any common themes in situations where you have regretted your words? Maybe you were tired or hungry? Maybe you listened to someone else trash their spouse or their kids and you followed their example? Being aware of these triggers can help us to be on our guard and guard our tongues in future situations.
    4. Change your source and change your speech: Make a commitment as a group to seek God as your source and speak life with your words.

Discovery Bible Method:
For deeper study, as an alternative to the questions above, read Psalm 23 and use the Discovery Bible Method to explore the passage.

Embrace Others

Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

Do you have a word for the year, Bible reading plan, or personal growth plan? If so, share with someone in your group and hold each other accountable for seeking God in your life through your word and plans. If not, make a commitment to create a plan this week.

Engage the World Around Us

Engaging at Faith Promise:  Remember that the church wide 21 day fast begins Monday January 4. There are many ways to fast. You can fast a meal, do a Daniel fast, or fast from social media. Remember to redeem the time. Spend the time you would have spent eating or browsing social media in prayer.

Engaging in the Community:  In 2020 we gave over 500 donations (in the name of Faith Promise) to KARM stores. Adult and student small groups also volunteered over 300 hours at KARM.

WHY is it important to give to KARM? What do your donations of household items, clothes, and volunteering do for KARM or Faith Promise?

Every donation or hour volunteered feeds someone a meal.

If you donate or volunteer and say you’re from Faith Promise Church, you get a tax deduction AND our missions office receives KARM gift cards to be used for benevolence and our school partners. The most recent time we were able to help someone was a grandmother who got emergency custody of her 4 grandchildren 3 days before Christmas. She lived in a one bedroom apartment and had nothing for the kids. We were able to give her KARM gift cards for clothes, shoes, household items, bedding, and toys for Christmas.

Click here to find a location to donate or find out about volunteer opportunities!

Engaging in World:  Choose one of Faith Promise’s global partners—410 Bridge, Back 2 Back, Equip, The Timothy Initiative, or Training Pastors International—and commit to cover them in prayer this year. You can read more about our global partners at

Expand God’s Kingdom

This is the time of year when many are ready for a fresh start. Who can you invite to come along on your journey of finding God’s favor?

Leader’s Notes

ALL groups at Faith Promise should follow Jesus Christ and lead others to do the same. Below are the marks of a growing follower and disciple of Jesus.

– A follower of Jesus desires to encounter God through the deeper study and application of God’s Word.

– A follower of Jesus embraces people and values relationships on a deeper level so everyone can grow together.

– A follower of Jesus engages and serves the world around them and in their community, through local partners or God-directed opportunities.

– A follower of Jesus expands God’s Kingdom through development and multiplication of disciple-makers, possibly to lead more groups at Faith Promise.