Parent Resources

Hey Parents!

Here are some accompanying resources so you can have the best experience possible with Faith Promise Kids. Find free downloads, conversation guides, answers to FAQs, and more. Please email us by clicking here if we can help you with anything at all.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’re so excited you’d like to take this step with your family! Please visit our kids page under events for more information.

Nursery / Crawlers / Walkers – Generally these room transitions are based upon whether or not your baby is proficiently crawling/walking. For example, a toddler will remain in the Crawler room until he/she is walking the majority of the time without assistance.

2 Years to Pre-K – Once your child turns 2 years old, their room transitions are based upon age. For example, the day your child turns 3 years old he/she will move to the 3 year old room.

Kindergarten to 5th grade – At the end of the school year every May, we transition all our elementary students from one grade to the next. Be on the look out for the  specific Pop Up weekend dates to be displayed at your campus closer to Pop Up time!

We’ve prepared a whole event that can get your child ready for these spiritual steps, as well as some conversation guides that you can find above. Click over to the main fpKIDS webpage or click here to register for our Kid Steps event! If you have questions and would like to talk to one of our fpKIDS staff members, please email [email protected].

We’d love to explore the best fit for you within in fpKIDS. To apply to serve in fpKIDS, click here!


Curriculum Downloads

Click each of the age groups below to download or print free curriculum and activity materials that match and supplement what your children are learning in fpKIDS every weekend.

Baptism + Salvation Conversation Guide

Kids can ask some tough questions about their faith! If you find yourself driving down the road answering questions about how God was created, how Jesus can live in our heart or how we can start a friendship with Him, click below for a helpful guide to know what to say (and even what NOT to say).

Parent Cue App

We want to do everything we can to invest in our children relationally, to guide them developmentally, and to help them grow in their faith in Christ. But it’s just so easy to get caught up in the urgent day-to-day business of life.

Click below to download this free app that we love and recommend to parents of fpKIDS!