Starting your spiritual journey has been an incredible adventure, and it’s just the beginning! Over the past week, you’ve taken some vital steps in your faith through learning about prayer, understanding the Bible, and recognizing the importance of community, among other practices. These foundational elements are the beginning of a lifelong relationship with God that will continually grow and evolve.

As you continue on this path, remember the significance of the habits you built each day. Prayer connects you directly to God, offering a moment to share your thoughts, concerns, and gratitude. The Bible is not just a book but a living, breathing guide filled with wisdom, encouragement, and truth for every aspect of life. Community provides strength, support, and companionship, reminding us that we are not alone in our journey.

So, what’s next? Keep seeking, keep asking questions, and keep knocking on the door of deeper understanding and faith. The journey with God is one of endless exploration and discovery. There will be highs and lows, moments of clarity, and times of confusion. Through it all, remember that God’s love for you never changes, and He will be with you every step of the way.

And most importantly – don’t keep it to yourself. Share what God has done with someone in your life! Your spiritual journey is a beautiful, ongoing narrative of God’s love and faithfulness. Embrace it, live it out, and watch how it unfolds, knowing that the best is yet to come!


If you haven’t been baptized yet, it’s an incredible way to show the world that you’ve chosen to follow Jesus! It’s something He did to start His ministry, and it’s a simple way we can imitate Him. Contact your campus pastor today!

Tell someone else about how Seven Day Start has impacted your journey! It’s a tool for growth that’s meant to be shared and passed along. If you know someone in need of spiritual guidance, share this!

Get involved with people like you who will love, support, and challenge you to grow! Community at Faith Promise is found in groups – both Jesus and His earliest followers practiced life in a group. Click to find one!

Looking to discover more about your purpose and spiritual gifting? We are all made to do good and make an eternal difference in this world. Discover how you’re uniquely equipped to do just that in our Next Steps experience!