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Ready to Follow Jesus?

Choosing to follow Jesus - to imitate Him with your life and actions and submit to His better way of living - is the most important and impactful decision you can make. Keep reading below to find out what following Jesus means, why it's such a vital choice, and how you can make this life-transforming decision. You'll also discover how you can take steps to start your new life with Jesus.

An amazing, beautiful world

We live in an masterfully created and good world. And God, the maker of this place we call home, filled it with all kinds of amazing places and creatures. The prize of his creations, human beings, were given the privilege to be God's image - his representation to this world. We were designed to live forever, in unity with God and harmony with all his created things, in a special state of existence that Jesus called eternal life.

There's a problem, though

Humans were tricked into rebelling by an ambitious enemy who opposed God. This broke God's heart and wounded our relationship with God, leading to violence, greed, corruption, and decay. Our mistakes piled up, and up, and had consequences - dire ones. Because of this, we are now under the power of death - both physical and spiritual death. The good and beautiful eternal life God planned for us is out of reach in our own power.

God's incredible solution

The cost of our mistakes was death, but God loved us too much to leave us to suffer that fate. There was a catch, though - only an infinite, limitless being could take on an infinite, limitless penalty. So God sent Jesus, his one and only Son, to become human in every way that we were, live a perfect, sinless life, and take on the consequences of our mistakes - the penalty that was due to us.

Victory, once and for all time

Jesus came not just to pay the penalty for our sins - but to break the power of sin and death over all God's creation. Because of the miracle of Jesus rising from the dead, we can enjoy the power and presence of God daily, enabling us to live the abundant life Jesus promised, transformed into His way of living. And Jesus' defeat of death means we can look forward to a future where that perfect state of eternal life is restored once and for all. We will rise just like He did, restored to unity with God and enjoying His presence forever.

Come, Follow Me

Jesus' very first friends and followers received this simple invitation into his life of radical love, and it's still being extended to us today. Choosing to follow Jesus is choosing to leave behind our old mistakes, our shame, and our self-focused way of living. In exchange, we step into a life full of peace, power, freedom, and joy. It's a new life where we live out Jesus' example of love and hope for every person.
Choosing to follow Jesus is as straightforward as A, B, C.


We've shipwrecked our lives, and the only hope of rescue we have is Jesus. We can't repair the damage or repay the debt we owe.


There is good news, though - Jesus died to pay the debt we owed and rose from the dead to defeat the power of death forever.


Jesus' better way of living is available to you. Will you choose to imitate Jesus, honor his will, and live out his teaching for the world to see?

Make The Choice Today

Ready to start your new life? Pray this prayer:

I admit that I've sinned.
Only You can fix it.
I am grateful for your death on the cross that saved me.
I believe in your resurrection that defeated death.
I choose to follow you as my Lord.
Help me to honor your will every day.
In Your name, we pray.

Your Best Life Awaits You!

So you've made the best decision you'll ever make - to trust in Jesus. That's incredible! Want to know your next step after choosing to follow him?

Go Public With Baptism

Tell the world about your brand new life! Baptism by immersion is your next step if you've committed to follow Jesus. When you’re ready to take the plunge, just click the button below and we’ll get that scheduled! You can also always just ask a team member at any location any weekend, and they’ll be glad to help, too.

Seven Day Start

New to following Jesus? We've got just the thing to help! Get ready for a 7 day spiritual journey that will transform your faith. Seven Day Start is a chance to learn more about life with God and build simple habits that will strengthen you spiritually. Each day, you’ll get a short video from one of our pastors with practical insights from the Bible and actionable steps to help you grow.