LIFE + Week 2 – Discussion Guide


Main Idea: The world pushes the “+” so that we buy into it. But if we buy in, we miss out. Jesus promises LIFE+ and delivers.

Introduction: We may understand Jesus promises LIFE+ and delivers, but we try to plug back into the world’s outlet of success. But the power of LIFE+ flows only one way, from God to us.

Discussion Starter: Talk about the best and worst customer service you’ve ever received and how it affected your day and your experience. What knowledge did you take and use from those times for your next experience with people?


Primary Scriptures:  John 10:10, Ephesians 3:20, Matthew 20:28, Luke 4:18-19, 1 Peter 4:9-11, 1 Timothy 4:14, 1 Corinthians 14:13, Ephesians 4:11-13.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Read John 10:10. The thief (aka the Enemy) seeks only to steal, kill, and destroy. That can come in many forms: stealing your joy, killing your hope, destroying your focus, and many others. The lie from Satan is that you are not needed to serve others because it will drain you and you won’t be appreciated for what you do. But God doesn’t just give you gifts to use, He empowers them. Pastor Chris asks what good is a tool that has no power? How can you look at serving others as empowering and life giving?
  2. Read Matthew 20:28. Look at all of the ways someone serving you occurs in your life. Now look at how you can serve others. Which way gives you life? In what ways can you tangibly focus on serving others?
  3. We try to alternate between living God’s way and living the world’s way, but it doesn’t work. We can’t focus on ourselves and God at the same time. This week Pastor Chris challenged us using 1 Peter 4:9-11 and Ephesians 4:11-13 to focus on serving others by using our gifts. What are your gifts that God has given you? How are you using them to glorify God and advance His Kingdom?
  4. Read 1 Timothy 4:14 and 1 Corinthians 14:13. God has a divine purpose for you (and your gifts). Using your gifts through service enables you to walk in joy, power, and LIFE+ What’s one thing you can do this week to express your faith through doing something? Even if you are serving in the church, in what ways can you serve others in your life? How can you be more aware of how to serve people where you  work, study, shop, and play?


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section. 

What is one way you can encourage each other this week to keep your focus on serving others—even those you may not want to serve? If you have not taken a spiritual gifts test to discover your God-given gifts, take one together. Discuss your gifts and how you can use them.

Commit to praying for each other’s faith and service to others to increase this week.

LIFE + Week 1 – Discussion Guide


Main Idea: The world promises a + and never delivers, but Jesus promises and delivers on Life +.

Introduction: This week Pastor Chris talked about God’s favor as a force of Heaven in our lives, although some of us may look at our circumstances and are unable to see God at work in our lives and the world. However, if we can center our focus and faith on Jesus, we will see and experience the abundant life only Jesus can bring.

Discussion Starter: What is the last thing you put a lot of focus on, took a deep dive in, or obsessed about that you couldn’t wait to talk to people about? Gardening, camping, a video game, a sports team, a hobby, a new podcast, or  a book series?


Primary Scriptures:

John 10:10, Psalm 90:17, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Luke 4:18-19, 2 Corinthians 5:7, James 2:14-20

Discussion Questions:

  1. Read John 10:10 The thief (aka the Enemy) seeks only to steal, kill, and destroy. That can come in many forms: stealing your joy, killing your hope, destroying your focus, and many others. How do you recognize the work of the Enemy in your life and around you? Discuss ways you can combat the Enemy, return your focus, and increase your faith through the Life + available through Jesus.
  2. Favor is a force of Heaven at work in our lives. Discuss what is going right in your life and how God has given you His favor.
  3. This week Pastor Chris challenged us to focus on God, His Word, and the activity of the Holy Spirit around us by asking, “What does God want me to see?” What have you seen in the Bible or in your life that you know God wanted you to see? If you aren’t sure of anything, commit this week to read His Word and praying that He would open your eyes. Don’t be shy about asking God questions. Seek His answers in His Word and through prayer and meditation.
  4. Read James 2:14-20 This week Pastor Chris said that a problem with seeing God’s favor is our faith. What’s one thing you can do this week to express your faith through doing something?


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section. 

What is one way you can encourage each other this week to keep your focus on God’s Kingdom and His favor?

Commit to praying for each other’s faith to increase this week. How will you let each other know you’re praying this week? Call, text, email, DM?

Commit to praying for each other’s faith and service to others to increase this week.

Back to the Movies: The Matrix – Discussion Guide


Main Idea: True identity change starts with Christ—nowhere else.

Introduction: This week we wrap up our Back to the Movies series with the Matrix. Like Neo in the Matrix, Christ-followers can realize that there exists an alternate reality—an escape from the sin that infects our lives. The apostle Paul experienced this true reality on his journey to the city of Damascus.

Discussion Starter: Have you ever felt like you were in an alternate reality? Maybe you visited another country and experienced culture shock. Or maybe just moving to a new season of life like parenthood or your first job felt completely disorienting. How does having our identity anchored in Christ help us when we feel unsettled?


Primary Scriptures: Acts 9:1-4, Romans 3:28, Philippians 3:4-9

Discussion Questions:

  1. Read Acts 9:1-4. Saul truly thought he knew who he was. He firmly believed he was fulfilling his God-given identity by persecuting the church. Even after he was saved, he never looked back with guilt and shame. Do you feel uncertain of your identity? Is your gaze still lingering on the life you had, or is it on the life ahead in Christ? 
  2. Oftentimes as Christians, we’re called to trust and obey. Many of us have struggled with this particular matter. As part of our new identity, however, it’s vital that we understand God is more than able to take care of our needs (Philippians 4:19). Are you truly surrendering your worries to Him? Do you believe that God has a plan for you? An identity for you to step into like Paul? Sometimes people around us may see our God-given gifts or identities before we do. Take some time to share what identities you see within your group members.
  3. Read Philippians 3:4-9. In our identities as sons and daughters, it’s vital to receive the fact that righteousness is not based on the law. It is by your faith that you are righteous. This doesn’t mean you won’t struggle with temptations, but it does mean that God wants to know you, and for you to know Him. The only way to increase your faith is by hearing and the word of God. Discuss amongst yourselves common practices that aid you in seeking God’s face. What can we do to increase our faith?
  4. Choose one habit to practice this week—for example, set an alarm on your phone to remind you to stop and pray or get up 5 minutes earlier to read scripture before work. Be ready to share with your group next week how this connection time with God is impacting your life!


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section. 

Read Romans 3:28 together. Elaborate what it means to live by faith and not by the law. To best represent Jesus in our daily lives, we must learn to apply this. Just as our identities are not based on our sin, neither is anyone else’s. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus leaves us with several examples of what it looks like to love our neighbors. It is the second greatest commandment after all. Discuss among yourselves practical ways to pray, care, and share with others the life—the identity—that’s waiting for them in Christ Jesus. 

Back to the Movies: Beauty and the Beast – Discussion Guide


Main Idea: You don’t have to let the current condition of your heart keep you from finding freedom.

Introduction: This week, Micah describes the condition of hearts…of the beast, Zaccheaus, and Paul. We see and hear how the condition of their hearts changes and how they become more selfless and more obedient.

Discussion Starter: Real Love is not something to keep locked away for yourself. Reflect for a moment and share: Is the condition of your heart selfless? Is the condition of your heart obedient?


Primary Scriptures: Philippians 2:5-8, Luke 19:3-4

Discussion Questions:

  1. This weekend, Micah had us do a lot of self reflecting on the condition of our hearts. Read Philippians 2:5-8. How are we living selfless and obedient lives?
  2. Is there something you feel God has been asking you to do? Is there something in your heart that is preventing you from listening to His voice?
  3. Is there an area in your life where you can begin to work on becoming more selfless or more obedient? Share with one another and make a plan to hold each other accountable this week.
  4. Real love is meant to be shared. Make a plan for how you will share what God is doing in your life with at least one other person this week.


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section. 

What is God asking you to do? What would happen if you were obedient to do it?

In Beauty and the Beast, the beast has a change of heart. His actions reflect his selfless heart. What is the result of this change? Pray 1 John 3:18 over one another. What is one action you can take this week to love those around you?

Back to the Movies: Jurassic Park – Discussion Guide


Main Idea: When people seek autonomy from God to define what’s best, it results in a world of tragedy and death.

Introduction: This week, Pastor Chris takes us to the world of Jurassic Park; a place where John Hammond and his team of scientists have taken life into their own hands…and everything goes terribly wrong. Like John Hammond, we try to control our lives and the world around us; often never stopping to ask ourselves if we should do the things we do. Without Christ at the center and guiding us, we should expect frustration and confusion.

Discussion Starter: In your world, what do you wish you understood more?


Primary Scriptures: Genesis 11:1-9, Matthew 6:25-26

Discussion Questions:

  1. This weekend, Pastor Chris asked, “Have you ever found yourself so preoccupied with whether you could do something, you never stopped to ask if you should?” When has taking matters into your own hands made things worse?
  2. Read Matthew 6:25-26 Are you easily content? What are the obstacles to you being restful, at peace, and content?
  3. No one knows you, this world, and the universe better than the Creator. Knowing that God knows you better than you know yourself, how do you seek Him and His Will for your life?
  4. Key themes of Jurassic Park are the power of creation and the illusion of control. In his book, “Counterfeit Gods,” Tim Keller proposes that power and control are idols; which he defines as “anything more fundamental than God to your happiness, meaning in life, or identity.” More broadly, anything we place in that ultimate spot that only God can occupy. Where do you place the pursuit of power and need for control in your life?
  5. What is one concrete step you can take to pursue God instead of that idol? For example, if you place a high value on your time and have your calendar full, could you empty some of those time blocks to make room for quiet time or a Bible study with a friend?


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section. 

What is God asking you to do? What would happen if you were obedient to do it?

In Jurassic Park, the scientists seeing dinosaurs in person was drastically different than studying the fossil remains. Our God and His Word are alive, not dead, old, and dusty. Read 1 Peter 1:23 When you read God’s Word, how can you read and experience it as alive? What is the most recent Scripture that God used to meet you where you were at? Make a plan to check in this week and keep each other accountable for reading God’s word.

Back to the Movies: Hook – Discussion Guide


Main Idea: A life with Him, finding who you truly are and what you are meant to do is the greatest adventure! 

Introduction: As we see in the movie Hook, there’s a difference between growing up and growing old. Just like there’s a difference between looking for one last adventure and looking for THE last great adventure. Finding out who you’re truly meant to be is the greatest adventure you can ever encounter! 

Discussion Starter: How about you? Has God given you insight into who He created you to be and who He is growing you to be? Have the problems of this life and the pursuit for more blinded you to who you truly are? Who are you meant to be? 


This week Pastor Chris asked us to imagine what a life with God looks like—to find out who we truly are and what we are meant to do.

Primary Scriptures: Matthew 18:1-4, Matthew 19:13-15, John 8:44, John 10:10

Discussion Questions:

  1. In the movie, Maggie fails to see things Hook’s way while her brother Jack is having the time of his life. He is struggling to see who his father truly is and loses more than his father’s watch in the process… Is this how you see God? As a Creator who ruins all your fun? As a Father who is absent, or breaks promises? How do you see God?
  2. Read Matthew Matthew 18:1-4. Greatness is not found through growing up or growing old. Greatness is found growing humble and letting God take control. What area of your life are you “trying to be great” instead of letting God have it all?
  3. Read John 8:44. Hook is like our real enemy–full of lies made to make us feel good about ourselves and question the life God has for us. Now read John 10:10. What are the lies you’re believing about you, your life, your situation? What kind of abundance does God have for you?
  4. This week, memorize Psalm 25:4. Ask God to show you what lies you may be believing. Speak life, and declare victory over those lies. 


Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section. 

Read Matthew 19:13-15. Pray for God to show you how to have child-like faith. Pray for God to give you a faith that surpasses understanding.

Pray for a life with God, finding who you truly are and what you are meant to do. No matter what you’ve done or what’s been done to you, God wants a relationship with you. No matter what you’re afraid of or feel unworthy about, God can and wants to use you for His Kingdom.

What can you do for God today? Pray for Him to reveal His plan for you and how He wants to use you. Share one thing that you want the others to pray specifically for you this week. Make a plan to check in through the week.

Fresh Wind Week 7 – Discussion Guide

Getting Started

Main Idea: The fresh wind of revival is an inside job.

Introduction: The world sets itself up to work without God, consistently pushing and pulling us wherever we will let it. We all want peace and to not allow our emotions to control us. Are you willing to do the inside work to experience the fresh wind of God?Are you bigger on the inside or on the outside?

Discussion Starter: Are you bigger on the inside or on the outside?

Encounter God

Primary Scriptures:  Ephesians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 2:12-14, Acts 3:19, 1 Samuel 30:6

Discussion Questions:

  1. Pastor Chris asked us to consider this question: Can we all agree that we have a natural tendency to let negative thoughts run rampant in our minds? What is one thing you can do this week to begin to fight those negative thought patterns?
  2. Read Ephesians 3:16 – Scripture tells us that the spirit of God dwells inside of us and that His spirit can strengthen our inner man. Discuss with your group: Where does your inner man need to be strengthened?  
  3. Is there an area in your life where you are allowing your emotions to take control? Discuss with one another and then pray together. 

Discovery Bible Method:
For deeper study, as an alternative to the questions above, read 1 Corinthians 2:12-14 and use the Discovery Bible Method to explore the passage.

Embrace Others

Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

Read Ephesians 3:16 and Acts 3:19. Pastor Chris said, “I know who I want to become. Do you know who you want to grow into?” Who we surround ourselves with matters. Sometimes, our negative thought patterns and our emotions are easily influenced by those around us. Who is helping you walk worthy? Who are you allowing to speak into your life that may be hindering the fresh wind in your life? After discussing and reading, spend time in prayer for one another.

Engage the World Around Us

Engaging at Faith Promise:  At FP, we are people who stand on the promises of God. God’s will for us is to be filled with His power and walk in our purpose. Is there an area at FP where you are being called to serve that aligns with your purpose? Is there an area at FP where you feel you are being led to serve?

Engaging in Community and the World: As believers, we have been set free. However, it is easy to allow our emotions to get the best of us and sometimes we choose to share those with the world through social media. What if your screen time became your prayer time? Discuss with your group how you can spend more time in prayer to influence those around us.

Expand God’s Kingdom

Read Ephesians 3:16 and Acts 3:19. Think back to the discussion starter. Are you willing to do the inside work to experience the fresh wind of revival in your life? How will that work impact your role as we all march towards expanding God’s Kingdom? Spend time in prayer: Repent for allowing your emotions to take control, ask for your inner man to be strengthened, and listen for His voice throughout your week.

Leader’s Notes

ALL groups at Faith Promise should follow Jesus Christ and lead others to do the same. Below are the marks of a growing follower and disciple of Jesus.

– A follower of Jesus desires to encounter God through the deeper study and application of God’s Word.

– A follower of Jesus embraces people and values relationships on a deeper level so everyone can grow together.

– A follower of Jesus engages and serves the world around them and in their community, through local partners or God-directed opportunities.

Fresh Wind Week 5 – Discussion Guide


Getting Started

Main Idea: Search for God’s fresh breath of life, the Ruach, to fill your sails.

Introduction: Fighting the flesh is a battle that everyone has; even Paul describes his personal frustrations with this war in Romans 7. This weekend, Pastor Chris discusses the crosswinds that steer us: the Ruach (the breath of God) and the forces of the flesh. Which one we let fill our sails determines our trajectory. We are challenged to consider which is more of a driving force in our lives and decision-making. Sometimes it is easy to do what the flesh considers appropriate because it is almost natural. We must be intentional with our thoughts and actions so we don’t allow the wrong wind to guide our ship.

Discussion Starter: Think about your day-to-day life. Are you more influenced by what your friends, family, and/or the culture around you do? Or are you more focused on each action being a resemblance of Jesus?

Encounter God

Primary Scriptures: Ephesians 3:16-20, Ephesians 5:18-20, 1 Corinthians 2:12-14, 1 Corinthians 3:12-16, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Discussion Questions:

  1. Read Ephesians 3:16-20 What can we learn from Paul’s prayer about being filled with the spirit? This is different from being filled with the Spirit when you first accept the Lord as your savior. This is strengthening the spirit on the inside.
  2. Read Ephesians 5:18-20 From these verses, what actions go along with being filled by the Holy Spirit?
  3. In 1 Corinthians 2:12-14 What comparison is made between those who are guided by the wind of the flesh vs those who are guided by the Spirit?
  4. 1 Corinthians 3:12-16 is deep. What do we know about ourselves as Christians by reading these verses?
  5. In 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, what do we learn about God and what actions we can take to help us on our journey?

Discovery Bible Method: For deeper study, as an alternative to the questions above, read 1 Corinthians 3:12-16 and use the Discovery Bible Method to explore the passage.

Embrace Others

Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

Discuss strategies that ensure you are intentionally being driven by the Spirit and not the flesh.

Engage the World Around Us

Engaging at Faith Promise: As students head back to school, this is a constant battlefield for them to face. The peer pressure of following the “cool crowd” or their friends instead of the Spirit is especially difficult at this age.  Take time to pray for our students every day this week.

Engaging in Our Community and the World: This battle between the flesh and Spirit is present everywhere. Many professionals in America are asked to minimize their spiritual beliefs at work. Additionally, there are places all over the world where you can be physically harmed or killed for not following the ideals of that culture. Take time to pray for strength and protection for all who face this extra layer of challenge in the daily battle.

Expand God’s Kingdom

Strategically look for individuals who are going against the stream in your daily world. These people could identify as Christians or not. Encourage them. Pray that God gives you the words, wisdom, and courage to have a conversation about how Jesus did not bow to the pressures of the world.

Leader’s Notes

ALL groups at Faith Promise should follow Jesus Christ and lead others to do the same. Below are the marks of a growing follower and disciple of Jesus.

– A follower of Jesus desires to encounter God through the deeper study and application of God’s Word.

– A follower of Jesus embraces people and values relationships on a deeper level so everyone can grow together.

– A follower of Jesus engages and serves the world around them and in their community, through local partners or God-directed opportunities.

– A follower of Jesus expands God’s Kingdom through the development and multiplication of disciple-makers, possibly to lead more groups at Faith Promise.

Live Well So You Can Finish Well – Discussion Guide

Getting Started

Main Idea: Live well so you can finish well.

Introduction:  This week as we celebrated Pastor Chris’s 25 years as pastor of Faith Promise, his mentor, John Maxwell, preached on how to live well so we can finish well. Many of the tips he shared are from Stephen Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People.

Discussion Starter:  What do you think it means to “finish well”? Have you known anyone you consider to have finished this life well?

Encounter God

Primary Scriptures:  Luke 6:46-49, Acts 20:22-24

Discussion Questions:

  1. Living well tip #1: Define success. What does it mean to live well and finish well? John Maxwell defined success as “those closest to me love and respect me the most.” Do you agree or disagree with this definition? Why? How do you see this success in the life of Jesus and His relationship with His disciples?
  2. Living well tip #2: Have a firm foundation.  Read Luke 6:46-49. How do we know what our foundation is? Think of a time when your foundation was tested. How did it hold up? Did the time of testing result in any changes?
  3. Living well tip #3: Get over yourself. Read Acts 20:22-24. Read verse 24 again. How did Paul get to this point? Have you known anyone who had this sort of passion and lack of regard for self? Or are you yourself one of those people? How do we get there?

Discovery Bible Method: For deeper study, as an alternative to the questions above, read Luke 6:46-49 and use the Discovery Bible Method to explore the passage.

Embrace Others

Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

Living well tip #4: Practice gratitude. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Spend some time together in prayer and gratitude.

Engage the World Around Us

Engaging at Faith Promise: If Jesus is to be our firm foundation then we need to know who He is! We can know Him better by reading God’s word. Join us in our Faith Promise Bible reading plan:

Engaging in Our Community and the World:  It’s Back to School time! One way to “get over yourself” is to take care of someone else. Schools and teachers can always use more tissues, hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, and dry erase markers. Add a few items to your grocery cart, and drop off at your local school. To find out more about which schools your campus sponsors, contact Lisa Cole at [email protected].

Expand God’s Kingdom

Living well and finishing well is not a solo endeavor. We need God’s help, and God can use us in turn to help others. Who are you mentoring and coaching? Who is mentoring and coaching you?

Leader’s Notes

ALL groups at Faith Promise should follow Jesus Christ and lead others to do the same. Below are the marks of a growing follower and disciple of Jesus.

– A follower of Jesus desires to encounter God through the deeper study and application of God’s Word.

– A follower of Jesus embraces people and values relationships on a deeper level so everyone can grow together.

– A follower of Jesus engages and serves the world around them and in their community, through local partners or God-directed opportunities.

– A follower of Jesus expands God’s Kingdom through the development and multiplication of disciple-makers, possibly to lead more groups at Faith Promise.

Fresh Wind Week 4 – Discussion Guide

Getting Started

Main Idea:   Many people say they “want to have revival,” but really what they want is for God to work in the hearts of everyone else around them; they do not want to change (or even feel like they need to). We all play a part in the work of revival that God is doing—whether for good or for bad. We need to examine ourselves, and make sure we aren’t hindering any work God is doing.

Introduction:   God has never stopped building His church. Amazingly, God wants us to join in. He could have said “you’re all a gigantic disaster; just sit in the corner and don’t talk while I do this.” He could have said “The angels will do a good job, so just stay out of the way.” But that is not what God said. Instead, God chooses to let us be a part of the work, using people from literally every walk of life. But when we look at what God has said, what does the Bible teach us about how God works? What does it say about when God stops and starts working? About when God will and will not do something? These questions and passages will hopefully help lead you to examine these issues more deeply on your own.

Discussion Starter:   What is the biggest, most elaborate, or most impressive “team project” you’ve ever been a part of? Were you a part of building a massive building? Maybe making a huge holiday meal? Perhaps a concert? Was it a good experience, or a bad one? Did it end well, or did it fall apart? Share your experience with the group!

Encounter God

Primary Scriptures:  Matthew 13:53-58, James 4:1-3, 1 John 5:14-15

Discussion Questions:

  1. Read Matthew 13:53-58. Why would their unbelief even be a factor in the number of miracles Jesus would perform? And why would that make Jesus do fewer, not more, miracles? (For a possible key to answering this question, consider Luke 16:31.) 
  2. In the letter of James, he tells us “you don’t have, because you don’t ask.” Take a moment and think about the things you’ve been asking God for; what you really want from God, and what you want God to do. Try to number the top three, if you can. Then, consider what James says in the next verse (James 4:3). Have you been asking God for things that would mostly make you feel good, or feel happy, or feel comfortable? 
  3. In the first letter of John (5:14-15, to be precise), there is an amazing promise about praying to God. That is, if we ask anything according to His will, God hears us. So, how much do we know about what God wants? And, are we asking along those lines? Are we asking for God to clean up our own lust-stained hearts, or are we asking God to let us win the lottery? Are we asking God to forgive those who have treated us wrongly, or are we asking God to let us get through traffic faster so we can get to watching Netflix faster?  As a follow-up question, can you think of any parts of the Bible that explicitly say what God’s will is? 

Discovery Bible Method: For deeper study, as an alternative to the questions above, read James 4:1-17 and use the Discovery Bible Method to explore the passage.

Embrace Others

Suggestion: Consider breaking the group into twos or threes for this section.

If your group is really interested in being raw and real, have everyone in your small group share what they have been praying for. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if we are asking for things selfishly or not. If we are honest with each other, we can get to know each other and help each other, too.

Engage the World Around Us

Engaging at Faith Promise: Some people are still isolated from our greater community. While many of us have been able to get back to normal, others are still sheltering themselves in real concern for the immunocompromised. Those people haven’t been able to come to church or engage like normal for a very long time. Try to seek out and make sure that the people you used to see are still doing okay; if nothing else, they will surely be glad to hear from a fellow Promiser.

Engaging in Our Community and the World:  School is scheduled to start again soon, and there is some tension in the world about government regulations, required vaccines and mask-wearing, and other high-emotion issues. Regardless of our own stances and decisions about these worldly issues, we can all show the people around us how much we love them regardless of their stances and decisions on those same issues.

Expand God’s Kingdom

This whole “Fresh Wind” series is about expanding God’s kingdom. With that in mind, think about what fresh approaches to reaching people you might have seen since this series started. Don’t be shy about talking to others in your small group, either. The people who love God will be glad to talk about those sorts of things, so don’t be afraid to bring up any ideas you might have!

Leader’s Notes

ALL groups at Faith Promise should follow Jesus Christ and lead others to do the same. Below are the marks of a growing follower and disciple of Jesus.

– A follower of Jesus desires to encounter God through the deeper study and application of God’s Word.

– A follower of Jesus embraces people and values relationships on a deeper level so everyone can grow together.

– A follower of Jesus engages and serves the world around them and in their community, through local partners or God-directed opportunities.

– A follower of Jesus expands God’s Kingdom through the development and multiplication of disciple-makers, possibly to lead more groups at Faith Promise.